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4 Cable Exercises to Shape Your Booty

Since my journey to getting my muscles back, my butt has always been one of my main concerns.  Lets face it, I am not blessed with natural curves, aka no boobs or butt, however with hard work, the right diet, and the right workouts I know I can grow my butt. One thing I wanted to do different this time around was really focus on my butt muscles and concentrate on those muscles instead of just doing “leg” day. I tend to grow my quads faster than any other muscle in my body, and what I didn’t want was overly exaggerated quads. So with tons of research I found these four workouts to be some of the most effective workouts to exercise your booty on the cable machine. If you watched my previous video 4 Exercises Using The Lat Pull Down Machine, you know I am a big fan of cable exercises. Cable exercises are a great way to workout to target specific muscles and offer a full range of motions. These  4 Cable Exercises to Shape Your Booty are four exercise you will want to incorporate in your routine. Watch the video and read the description below!

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8 Daily Activities You Can Do to Stay Fit Without Having to Go the Gym

8 Daily Activities You Can Do to Stay Fit Without Having to Go the Gym

Can you believe it in one month summer will be soon upon us, and I know what you are thinking bikini season! But who has time to go to the gym, juggle a career, work on a blog, and manage time with their family? I know I don’t! Trying to fit in time to go to the gym is nearly impossible. So how do I stay fit and active without going to the gym? You can check out my post pregnancy transformation here. Mom’s this one’s for you, because I get it. I use to be the biggest gym rat before I had Jayden, even worked out during my pregnancy, but after I had Jayden I realized it wouldn’t be that easy for me to go to the gym everyday. So I improvised, and found everyday things I could do in my own home with my little man that helped me shed the baby weight and keep it off. Here are eight daily activities you can do to stay fit without having to go to the gym.

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10 Bad Habits to Ditch this New Year for a Healthier and Happier You

10 Bad Habits to Ditch this New Year for a Healthier and Happier You

This New Year I’ve made some resolutions to become a happier healthier me. Being a mom has made me realize how important my health and well being is. I know with my little kiddo getting more and more active everyday, I want to make sure I am in the best shape to keep up with him. It was a challenge for me to learn how to balance being a mother, a wife, and my own personal life. Blogging, starting a photography business, working part time, and trying to juggle all my other roles consumed me, and I had no time for my fitness. I needed to make a change and ditch some bad habits that were holding me back from reaching my goals. So here are my top 10 habits to ditch for the New Year for a healthy and happier you. Continue reading “10 Bad Habits to Ditch this New Year for a Healthier and Happier You”
